Pto. Varas Art Exhibition ~ Chronicles ~


Expo Rubio 2009

The last two months were quite interesting but stressing at once. I’ve been moving from my home city to those places where I’ve been holding my art exhibitions. In addition, I need to keep up with my “not that funny” 😛 teaching studies, waiting for my graduation.

The most unexpected event… it was obviously my little accident when I broke my wrist (not really serious) being unable to finish some of my new designs I wanted to show. I broke my wrist during a judo tournament, so I had to spend almost a whole month without completing any artwork. that was surely a hard time for me. I couldn’t conceive not doing what I enjoy most! I was thinking of some very interesting subjects, like the Chinese Opera and of course, my dear friends from NSU… I really miss them all!

Centro Cultural Estación

I was proposed to show my drawings at a certain train station in Puerto Varas. As I mentioned before, “Centro Cultural Estación” is actually a train station. So, you can take a look at the rails located in the back of this building… ! I love train stations! ♫

Centro Cultural Estación

Centro Cultural Estación

Now I really felt like keeping the idea of holding art exhibitions in such particular buildings like this one. I will try to know if it is possible to do the same in the next destinations. Those Classic train stations made me recall those times when I was a child and I used to travel from South to north by train!

TRain Station

¿Me puedes ver? (Can you see me??)

Finally…. the weather got a little bit better…! (compare it with the previous post) Now it was possible to see the volcanoes at the back of this photo… I just took this picture when I had to make the final preparations for the art exhibitions… you can also appreciate my broken wrist… I am wearing some plaster on it… for a few weeks… unfortunately… I cannot make new drawings… 😛

Matias Rubio


At the end of September, everything was ready for the next art exhibition in “Puerto Varas“. With the essential and lovey help of Dimka, I managed to take my artworks from “Los Muermos” to Puerto Varas, a nice and beautiful town located just in front of a cool lake. Some old and new drawings were shown, but I kept some secret drawings unfinished anways.

Ufff!! that was surely a looong day. I just bought my bus ticket and waited for almost 30 minutes just sitting down in front of the lake. That was quite relaxing! ♥ I had a time to think about you looking at the beautiful horizon covered with a dark night time colour only illuminated by the city lights.

Puerto Varas

Puerto Varas at night

I took this picture from the main square. The artshow is located going towards left…

Main Square

Plaza de Armas

Can you see the directions given?? Centro cultural estación is located just going straight ahead this street! Only “pollos” would get lost in Puerto Varas.


Centro Cultural Estación, 어디에서요?

This is how an old train station main entrance looks! To the left of this picture, you can read “boletería”.  This is the place where you were supposed to buy the train tickets in the past.  Like in old times, people used to sit down in these kind of halls waiting for their train to arrive. Today, they sit down to appreciate Chilean artworks!! ♫

Entrada principal

Entrada Principal

Derrick and Karina!

This north american guy is from Virginia. He is part of an assistanship program promoted by our government. He is giving some kind of classes. Karina and me are part of his class.   I invited them to visit my art exhibition and we went to Pto Varas together.  We spent the whole afternoon having fun around town and outside too.

Crazy Friends

Derrick y Karina

Such a ‘buena onda’ Venezuelan friend is always a nice company for this kind of events. Karina is always willing to go any place we could think of! ¡Bueeeena Karina!!! ♫   Karina Vargas  is one of my English teaching classmates at University.  She is from Venezuela and we became very good friends in the first year of our major.  As I told you, Venezuelan speak particularly different from ours.  Only in terms of some vocabulary, pronunciation and stress.   I think it is quite funny to hear them; but they sound lively and friendly, like you want to be their friends.

Karina Vargas

Amiga Venezolana

The artworks

Everybody wanted to know who this particular character was. I explained them he is an ancient Chinese Literature character. I surely feel like making this drawing again. The paper I bought in Aberdeen was not appropriate for my drawing style. You will see the next version soon!

Rey Mono

Rey Mono (sun wu kong)

Before I got my wrist broken, I had started to design this Woman. She is supposed to be a Chinese Opera actress. I am completely amazed and enchanted by the huge number of accesories and colorful costumes they wear. Since I love details, it is quite challenging to complete one of this. It is still in process, but I wanted to include it anyways.  Now I am waiting for you to give me an idea of which subjects from Korean culture I should portrait.

acriz opera china

Chinese Opera actress

I obviously showed almost all my artworks, including yours!! ♥ (but you will see it in my next letter.. jajaja!

danza del abanico

Fan Dance

Laetitia Casta

Laetitia Casta

sin nombre

YA lo viste...


Mujer bonita

Don Che

Che Copete

Puerto Varas Coast

This is Pto Varas “coast”… as I probably mentioned somewhere… I love places with some H2O close to them… and this is  what I was expecting to see.. those huge volcanoes during spring time… just when the weather is nice enough to enjoy the cool scenery of this Lake!


Volcan Osorno



dos volcanes

Volcán Osorno y Volcán Calbuco

I was looking for you! Ya poh Mina!! Dónde estas?I really miss you so much…

where Are you Mina?

청미나 ! ¿Dónde estás?

You missed it! that’s a real fact!! Come to see Pto Varas art exhibition! – These are my friends too: Cony is from Osorno and Andro is from Santiago, like me.  Did you read the title of this art exhibition??  I was probably thinking about you when I wrote it down!
You are missing it!

¿Qué pasa? ¡Te lo estas perdiendo!! ♥

10. I took this picture from the main square. The artshow is located going towards left…

Main Square

Plaza de Armas

~ by rubiocroft on November 17, 2009.

2 Responses to “Pto. Varas Art Exhibition ~ Chronicles ~”

  1. haha hey matias I just want you to know I set my pics to show only my friends who is joined cyworld coz one of my ex look around my pics sometimes but I don’t want that so.
    I will make new folder for you to see my pics just like before.
    Don’t worry. I will be setting up soon, Take it easy and relax.
    Don’t forget sound body makes the world.

  2. ohhh! I won’t be able to see your lovely photos for some time…awww
    😦 ~ Then let me know when it is done, okay?

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