Spanish Lessons

Lesson 2: Saying I love you!

pepe le pew

Oh, Ma cherie! Je t'aime beaucoup!

They’re the just three words, besides perhaps “I am gay”, that can make or break a relationship (amazing… isn’t it?).  In Spanish they are just two words “Te quiero/amo,”   which is quite unique, since our language’s main characteristic is to use several words when expressing.  “Te amo ♥.” Such a strong meaningful word, the way it’s said creates a strong feeling of security and comfort. Love is hard to find, hard to express and hard to maintain. So when they have the nerve to say it, they mean it. It’s not in movies, it’s not in books, it’s true and real.

Saying “it” too soon can make you look desperate and insecure, and not reciprocating can break a person’s heart. However, when said at the right moment and with the right person, they can be the most wonderfully touching and exhilarating words one can ever hear.

When is it the right time to say I love you? There are romance novels, movies, songs, poems and many articles on this topic. It’s a hot subject and seems to be a great concern in many relationships, especially new ones. Who should say it first (the nene or the nena?), and when and how should it be said? After you say it, should you say it all the time? Is there a best way to say I love you, or is any way good as long as you say it? Should you say it soft and low or shout it out loud?

Do you remember those times we used to have fun at students center while having some meal?  we acted out some funny dialogues in Spanish where you were meant to learn how to talk towards a nene like me who wanted to be your pololo.

Diálogo divertido

love proposal

¿Me quieres?

Well, let’s try to see how could a Chilean guy like me ask you to be his polola in Chilean Spanish:

Matías : Oye Mina, ¿Quieres ser mi polola?

Hey Mina, do you want to be my polola?

Mina:  ¿Me estás pidiendo pololeo?

Are you asking me to be pololos?

Matías: ¡ Sí poh!

(yes) that’s right!

Mina: No sé, dejame pensarlo un poquito.

I don’t know.  Let me think about it for a little while.

Matías: Ya poh Mina, dime que sí.

Come on Mina, say yes.

Mina: No, ya no te quiero.

No.  I don’t like/love you anymore.

Matías: ¿Porqué?


Mina: Porque tú eres muy pollo.

Because you are “pollo”

Saying “Ya no te quiero” is literally translated as “(I)  already don’t like/love you” ~ or just I don’t love you anymore.  It is quite useful if you want to break up with a Spanish speaker pololo.  It is also possible that some other guy asks you “Mina, ¿Quieres ser mi polola? then you can reply either “Claro!” (sure!) or “¡No quiero!” (I don’t want to).

An appropiate song

Since we are learning how to say “ya no te quiero,” It will be really funny if you listen to one of my favourite songs in Spanish.  It’s Ana Torroja’s song. I hope you like it.

Visit Spanish Song for Mina (Ya no te quiero ♫ ) ~ <– click on the link

Say it! be survivor!

say it

I can do it! ♫

I have to say that I am the kind of person who do not always let the rest of people know what is on my mind.  The only exception is when I met someone who catches my attention.  It’s only then when I try to show the other person know how much I appreciate him or her.

It’s an unwritten rule that you should never be the first one in the relationship to say ‘I love you’, purely because this prevents you from seeming desperate and obsessed. But aren’t all rules there to be broken? After all, someone has to take that leap of faith.  The ultimate outcome should be that you touch the heart of the one you love. It is a great accomplishment to touch someone’s heart. In addition, survivor like “US”, shall be willing to take the risk as long as we keep loyal to our inner feelings!   That’s why I won’t get tired of telling you how much I miss you… and love you…!  ♥

~ by rubiocroft on December 2, 2009.

2 Responses to “Spanish Lessons”

  1. Hoy ya no te quiero~ Very lovely song and romantic~!!! I love it!
    This some makes me feel like learning spanish hard~*^0^*
    I am so impressed about the lyrics. I might know that girl’s feeling~!!!

  2. I am glad you like it…! ♥ but please… don’t say “ya no te quiero to me” jajjaja!! You should know that practising songs is a quite interesting approach for improving your fluency in a particular language like Spanish…! I would like to listen to some Korean Song… ♫

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